

As taste for the inner or outer eye, the man is corrupt.

Also, the relationship of heart and mind, and of God and human being, should not be in a permanent way.

In the Bible, the female abolition of the married state by lesbian unions is condemned. This biblical condemnation is definitely given sound by the apostle Paul. The relationship of man and woman is ordained by God as the the arrangement whereby the Son is created, and this relationship is sacred and not to replace. But for women to caress each other in bed, that act, is not to condemn as homosexuality is, committed by men. Women are unable to constitute other women. What is not allowed, are stable lesbian relationships.

There are three things to say about homosexual and stable lesbian relationships. The first is that the homosexual creates an idea of an opposition in the couple, determining the relationship, which makes the homosexual half a human being. The second is that the homosexual thus plays a role in the effort to be a human being. The person becomes a fool. The third is that the homosexual is conflict-oriented. The person sees provoking as the essential thing in life.

King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3). It goes without saying that lesbian relationships must have abounded among his wives. This caused King Solomon to turn away from the Lord in his old age, and it caused the kingdom of Israel to be divided in two after Solomon's death. That this happened was the beginning of the decline that within a few hundred years almost wiped out Israel.

Biblical condemnation is to be found here:

Leviticus 18:22.
Leviticus 20:13.
The letter by Paul to The Romans 1:18 ff.
The first letter by Paul to the Corinthians 6:9 ff.
The first letter by Paul to Timothy 1:5 ff.

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