

The English word ’adultery’ by its connotation gives English speaking people a perspective upon whoredom that distinguishes itself from the Norwegian. In Norway we use the word ‘hor’ (“whor”) in the same sense as Englishmen use the word ‘adultery’, meaning we by language will think of ourselves as how the woman does instead of how man ruling does. This I believe comes from the kind of Norwegian nature and of the culture of Norway. Condemning ‘hor’ we in Norway condemn loosing God by prostitution, by being defiled, by disintegration.

In English the word ‘adultery’ is coined to condemn immoral sexual behaviour, but also the loosing of God by thinking of oneself as possessing others and the flesh as such, by thinking of oneself as in control others and of flesh as such by one’s knowledge or one’s understanding. These two meanings of the word ‘adultery’, the particular and the universal, of course coincide when speaking of immoral sexual behaviour. In other words one will loose God by the control and power one makes valid when committing adultery – when one uncovers the nakedness of those one shall not uncover the nakedness of. In the Law it is clearly stated who this is. Neither shall one lie with mankind as one will lie with womankind. This is adultery. And one shall not have intercourse with animals, to be defiled and to loose one’s spirit thereof. And one shall not let one’s seed pass through the fire to Molech. In the Law the commandments regarding adultery prescribes death for the one committing adultery (Leviticus 18): “For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.” (Leviticus 18:29)

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