In the story of the creation we learn to distinguish between the plants of the ground and the animals on the ground. The animals we will understand as to be the reasoning of the earth. And the plants we will understand as to be the natural emergence of the thought of the earth. The plants are characteristic by their stretching for the light – for being subjected to the view upon them.
There a three kinds of plants giving seed. One is corn. And corn is necessary. To the vision the corn unites everything seen by being common – by being what is ordinary. Two is herbs yielding seed. And herbs yielding seed are of use for something. To the vision the herbs will stick out as values. And three is the tree yielding fruit with seed in itself. And the tree yielding fruit with seed in itself is lovely. To the vision the fruit tree is a truth able to give us a taste of something and to put our hunger to rest.
Cultivating the earth we produce food. But to be fed on the cereal we have to treat it and pull the worth out of it, and from the corn produced we bake bread and cakes. In other words bread and cakes to the earth is what mind is to the human being. Mind is bodily expressions made to be fed upon. Mind is bodily expressions worked upon. By the act a purpose of the body is stated.
Bread and cakes might be unleavened and bread and cakes might be leavened. In the bread being leavened, in the bread containing yeast, the corn is given importance, so to speak. By being leavened bread is as if it is meant to be of significance. Understood as mind – as the manifestation of the body - leavened bread is an expression of the body that is mannered. That is the reason why bread which was not leavened was special to the Children of Israel: By the unleavened bread earth was not pretentious. Eating unleavened bread one justified being natural – did not justify pretending to be something.
In memory of the escape from the slavery existence in Egypt, Moses told the Children of Israel to eat unleavened bread for seven days during Easter (Exodus 12:15, 13:5-10). The night The Lord saved the Children of Israel the people ate unleavened bread along with their meat, which was also made in a special way: The meat was roasted, not cooked. By eating unleavened bread on The Lord’s Passover the Children of Israel disassociated themselves from pride.
Condemning adultery and pride Paul let write: “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Corinthians 5:6-8)